Feeling “too high” can be scary. We’ve all heard the horror stories of paranoia and discomfort. A bad experience can leave a lasting impression, one that may deter folks from seeking out the wide-ranging relief that cannabis can offer to those who consume it responsibly. The best way to avoid an overwhelming experience is by following the cardinal rule: START LOW and GO SLOW.
When you eat something it has to be digested before your body can access its full nutritional value through the bloodstream. Same thing goes for cannabis edibles. Before you can feel the effects, your body must digest and metabolize the cannabis. This can take a while depending on how recently you’ve eaten, what you’ve consumed, the ingredients in the edible, and your metabolism (which can change).
After oral consumption, effects are generally felt within two hours and can last anywhere from 2-8 hours, again, depending on the above factors as well as individual tolerance, which can vary widely and change with time. Go SLOW and wait at least two hours before ingesting another dose if you are not feeling the effects you desire. Set a timer if you have to, because the Time Warp isn’t just a song from Rocky Horror, and rushing into higher doses can certainly sneak up you.
Additionally, activated THC in edibles (known as Delta-9 THC) is metabolized by the liver and is transformed into a new type of cannabinoid, 11-Hydroxy-THC, which is reportedly many times more psychoactive. This is why it's important to start with a small dose of edibles, because while a gummy might look benign, it may in fact be 4-10 times stronger than a hit from a pre-roll joint(and last a good deal longer as well). Therefore, while some cannabinoids may be absorbed more directly into the bloodstream via the mucous membranes in the mouth (especially through sublingual dosing) and stomach acids may deplete others, the body processes what is leftover into something far more potent and long-lasting.
This is going to depend on the type of effects you are looking to achieve, the type of ingestion method you prefer, and your tolerance. As a general rule, the lower the THC concentration, the less intoxication you are likely to feel. But, a “low” dose for one may be an uncomfortable dose for another. Our Endocannabinoid Systems are each more unique than our fingerprints, with many fluctuating variables to consider between product and person!
Edibles cause the most trouble and can be more trick than treat if not consumed responsibly. Many of us have unexpectedly overindulged on a homemade brownie in adolescence or a potent purchased medible as access without regulation or education became more widespread. It is impossible to know how an individual will respond to an ingestible until they’ve tried it. A person could smoke an ounce of flower every day and still be sensitive to a 5mg edible; conversely, a 90lb novice might need 20mgs of THC to feel intoxicated. You just don’t know until you try, which is why it is so important to start LOW.
When it comes to edibles, if you are looking for an intoxicating experience, most people fall within a comfortable dosing range between 2.5-15 milligrams of THC. In Oregon, edibles are capped at 50mgs of THC per package with 5mg doses. This can mean a dosing guide on the side of the package or individually dosed pieces. If you don’t yet know your tolerance, it is wise to choose an edible with precisely dosed pieces so that you can better monitor your intake and comfort levels.
A high CBD concentration can also help mitigate a negative THC experience by creating a weakened binding affinity for THC at receptor sites. With both CBD and THC present, many find they can also lower their overall dose to get the same relief they would get at higher doses of those cannabinoids in isolation.
Inhalants, like smoking and vaping, offer fast-acting effects with shorter duration than edibles.
Environment and atmosphere also play a role in achieving positive cannabis experiences:
2. Give yourself time. Set aside time to enjoy and observe the effects. Potent effects can be pleasantly incapacitating, even transformative, when life’s chores aren’t looming.
3. Pay attention to the energy you are given and use it accordingly. An active, cerebrally stimulating high might encourage physical activity or creative endeavors, while a body-focused high may be perfect for reading a book or watching a movie.
4. Let go of the myths and misconceptions perpetuated by prohibition propaganda. They are the tales told to keep us in fear and Pharma.
Remember, cannabis has literally saved lives. Our bodies have evolved in tandem with this polypharmaceutical powerhouse over thousands of years and research is beginning to prove just how important a healthy Endocannabinoid System is to optimal internal homeostasis and our ability to resist and control a whole host of devastating diseases.
If you are interested in exploring the benefits of cannabis but are still unsure where to begin, come talk to us. Email us, call us, stop in - we are here to be you on your journey to wellness. We are here to ease your fears.